The NJ Basketball Academyis getting noticed and many young basketball players are interested in joining this exclusive movement. Since the combine held at The Patrick School the first weekend of June and the release of the website the calls, emails and texts have not stopped. This week marks the first week of interviews to find the right student-athletes for the program.

With limited spots in the program an early application doesn’t grant a acceptance but that’s the place to start. To start your journey to become a student-athlete at NJBA @ The Patrick School you need to go through the application process:

Send in your application
The first step is to send your application in. You can find it here.

Set up an interview
When we get your application we will send you an email to set up an interview with you and your parents.
When you come to the interview we would like for you to bring your latest report card (can be unofficial) and two character forms
During the interview we will also present the program to you and your family and tell you how it will work and our expectations.

After the interview we will ask you to write an application essay.

Shortly we will let everyone who applied know when and how we will announce the student-athletes accepted to the program for the 2018-19 school year.


If you are interested in joining this very special program, make sure you get your application in and get started! We can’t wait to have you. 

Chris Chavannes