In today’s competitive world we see a huge need for flexible schooling for highly motivated student-athletes. At The Patrick School Training Academy we feel that we have developed the perfect environment with academic flexibility as well as rigor coupled with daily elite training. But we haven’t stopped there, we take the whole student in to consideration and work with character building, community awareness and other important parts to make sure a well rounded student-athlete is developed.


Do you have what it takes?

Are you Ready to take your game to the Next Level ?

Then this is the place to be! Join the only basketball academy in the North East.

Come get your education as well as develop your game on the highest level.




In today’s competitive world we see a huge need for flexible schooling for highly motivated student-athletes. At the The Patrick School Training Academy we feel that we have developed the perfect environment with academic flexibility as well as rigor coupled with daily elite training. But we haven’t stopped there, we take the whole student in to consideration and work with character building, community awareness and other important parts to make sure a well rounded student-athlete is developed.

Why the The Patrick School Training Academy ?

Because here you will be able to take your game to the elite level. Our basketball team as well as the academic team have created the ultimate student-athlete environment where you are the most important player. Here you will get your academic needs filled as well as four hours of training daily. 


At The Patrick School Training Academy you will concentrate on the core subjects and cut out the electives. This will optimize your school time and give you ample time to develop your game as well.  


At The Patrick School Training Academy we work with small classes and tailor the education to the needs of the students. 


In our Honors Track you will surely be challenged and pushed to become the scholar you want to become and with that being competitive as you go toward your college choice.


We offer: 


• Small classes

• Honors Track 

• Four hours of training a day

• Flexible academic schedule 

• Daily personal training and development

• Accommodations for students with various learning styles